Advice to all Members and Visitors

In view of the current crisis taking hold across Australia, the Board held an extraordinary meeting this morning (in the carpark!) and decided to take the following steps â€“

1. All Club events are postponed until further notice (including the Flyaway proposed for the end of April).

2. The Clubhouse will not be rented out and no meetings will be held on the premises until further notice.

3. The Clubhouse will be closed to the general public. (It will remain open to members for business such as paying accounts etc.)

4. Anyone entering the Clubhouse will be required to observe the proper social distancing and hygiene standards. Hand sanitizers will be provided at several places in the Clubhouse â€“ please use them.

5. Future Board Meetings will be held on online when suitable software is available.

6. The hire of VH-BAC will cease immediately. This last decision was made due to the practical difficulties in disinfecting an aircraft after it has been pre-flighted and occupied plus the potential for sanitizing fluids to damage switchgear and electronic equipment.

These decisions will be reviewed on the 30th April or as circumstances dictate.

Quality control assurance will continue on the Aero Refuellers installation. Members conducting these checks will be required to provide their own gloves to be properly disposed of or sanitized.

The “Warble” will also continue to keep members informed and try to bring a little light relief.

Probably only those who lived through the 1940’s can remember other times that seem so threatening; but if we keep our heads, we will get through them.