From the October Board Meeting
The meeting opened with a minute’s silence in remembrance of Club life member John Honeyman RIP.
(Pictured (centre) below cutting the Bathurst Aero Club’s 80th Birthday cake)
o The recent edition of the Bathurst Aero Club Safety Spotlight has been well received. David congratulated Michelle on such a professional education initiative for the Club.
o Fuel sales were up on last month.
o Trevor and David will be having a working bee on the 31st of October to install cable trays under the eaves of the club to restrain the electrical conduits.
o Frank and David installed the replacement main entrance doors last week. Key access remains as before.
o The Board agreed to a request by L2F that they paint the upstairs area.
o The new interactive hire agreement is with the web designers to build the template. This is one of the most important initiatives taken in recent times by the Club. David congratulated Hugo for his tireless work on this,
o BAC insurance is due next month and cover details are being reviewed
o The Australian Women’s Pilot Association will be holding a fundraiser in the Clubhouse on the 6th November. The Club’s will support for the event by waiving charges for hiring the Clubhouse and assistance with the BBQ.
o The recently reframed historic photos have been hung in the Clubhouse by Greg and David
o Ian is pushing for the new signage at the Clubhouse entrance to be installed in time for the Annual Dinner.
o The defibrillator will be mounted on the inside wall to the left of the main entrance doors.
o A guest speaker for the dinner has been tentatively arranged.
o The Bathurst Aero Club will be included in the Bathurst Community Directory for 2022